Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Abraham's Intercession for Sodom and Gomorrah

Abraham's Prayer

  • Abraham stood before the Lord.
  • Abraham drew near and asked.
  • Abraham calls on God's character as ground for his petition. Basically, Abraham is saying that he is asking in accordance with God's will and for His glory.
    • His prayer is well-founded.
  • Abraham remembers his own position before God: "I am but dust and ashes."
    • He came in humility, not arrogance. 
      • Abraham is not demanding that his will be done, only petitioning.
    • We can only come before God because Jesus made a way for us.

Leading Up to the Petition

God said, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do...?" Abraham was in communion with God, in His presence. Life in God's presence gave Abraham understanding of God's plan and purpose for Sodom and Gomorrah. This understanding gave Abraham a desire for intercessory prayer.

The Petition
God gave Abraham a desire to petition Him on behalf of the righteous in Sodom and Gomorrah. God did so knowing He would not answer the prayer as Abraham hoped, yet Abraham was perhaps satisfied because Lot was saved.

Abraham's Heart
God caused Abraham to pray though He would not fulfill his request. Why? What was God doing in Abraham's heart?

Perhaps Abraham was learning about God's 

God gave Abraham the faith to ask and then the grace to submit to the sovereign outworking of His will. Abraham could draw near to God and ask this request because he had confidence in His relationship with the Lord. He was glad in communion with God even though he did not get what he prayed for.

My Heart
From my own walk with God I know that I have been passive in intercessory prayer because 
  • My prayers are self-centered. I am focused on self in life, and why would prayer life be any different? I say this to my shame.
  • In the shallowness of my communion with God, I am passive before His sovereignty, as one who is not close enough in relationship to carry any weight. I do not have confidence to approach Him with a petition.

Jesus's Heart
Perhaps in this scene Abraham is a picture of Jesus. Abraham represented the promised people. He was the middleman between God and the righteous in Sodom and Gomorrah. He had great responsibility before God as the one through whom God would work out His purpose in redemptive history--like Jesus.

In Jesus all the nations are blessed. God has chosen to command His children after Jesus to keep His ways by doing righteousness and justice (Gen. 18:18,19). Jesus ceaselessly intercedes on our behalf before the Father. 

I thank God because God's purpose for us will not fail, since Jesus' intercession for His own will not fail. He is faithful to complete the work He has begun in us. 

Our Hearts
Since Jesus died to bring us into the joy of the Lord, into God's presence, let us take full advantage of our status in Him. Let us stand humbly and draw near to God to do what Jesus does. Let us intercede for His people, for all nations, so they may have fullness of joy in communion with Him. 

As we pray for others, let us be mindful of God's work in our own hearts. Let us gladly submit to the sovereign outworking of His will. He is good. He is wise. To Him be the glory in all things. Amen.