Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Commentary on Disney’s Tarzan

There are three main male characters in the Disney movie Tarzan: Tarzan, Kerchak, and Clayton; and three lesser characters of questionable roles: the Professor, Terk, and Tantor. 

Tarzan, abandoned as an infant by the tragic death of both his parents, is adopted into the ape family by an ape whose own child had just faced the same tragic fate as Tarzan’s parents. Tarzan is adopted into a community more than a family. He basically only has a mother because the one male, Kerchak, is shared by the entire community. His adoptive mother is there to support him, advocate for him, love him, and he learns to love and take care of her in return.
With no positive male role model, Tarzan is left to himself to learn the ways of survival. Like Phil Collins sings in his song, “Son of Man,” which plays during the scene in which Tarzan is learning his new skills, “Though there's no one there to guide you/No one to take your hand/But with faith and understanding/You will journey from boy to man.”

Tarzan is the epitome of today’s fatherless generation of boys. Unfortunately, unlike Tarzan, today’s boys do not “journey from boy to man.” “Faith and understanding” are not things that “will come to you in time.” These things are taught and with no one to teach our boys faith and understanding, they grow into adult-sized children, pursuing their own adventure and pleasure instead of growing into responsibility.

In the end, upon the death of Kerchak, Tarzan assumes responsibility for his new combined family.

Apes, in comparison to humans, are behind in development—and will never catch up because, contrary to what evolution says, they were created only to be fruitful and multiply, and not to take dominion, as man was. If we translate this to social classes, the ape community (the many) is the lower class, as compared to the elite upper class of the human trio that originally sets foot on the island. Tarzan is the middle class that joins the two worlds into one family and then gains governance over both.

We also see this in DreamWork’s movie Antz, in which Corporal Weaver (military middle class) acts as the middleman between Z and Azteca of the worker class and Princess Bala of the royal class. Notice that the middleman is called Weaver, as the one who weaves together the two classes. Balaa in Arabic means something greatly unwanted.

Interestingly, instead of bringing the lower class to the level of the elites when creating “one family,” the elites descend. This is exactly what happened in the Soviet Union, under the influence of Marxism, which seeks to destroy authority and replace it with one entity, the governing State (Tarzan) on its way from socialism to communism. Why is it that they want to destroy the class of authority? All authority is given by God (Romans 13:1), not to all but to the few and not necessarily even to the faithful. To destroy the authority over them would mean getting one step closer to dethroning God.

Kerchak is the loving father of Kala’s young child but when the little ape is killed by the leopard and Kala adopts Tarzan, Kerchak is estranged from his “mate” (for he is really one male to an entire community of females) in his refusal to accept Tarzan as a son. Throughout the entire movie, excepting the very end, he is portrayed as a hostile, unjust, conservative character who is afraid of change. He is the obstacle to connecting with the world of the elites. He fought against it his whole life and his removal was necessary in order to blend the lower class with the elites. 

In reality, Kerchak is the true male protector, who keeps his family from harm and who leads them in the direction he should go. He is the portrayal of one aspect of biblical masculinity which Disney wishes to discredit. It is upon the death of the biblical man that the new order is able to be established. The death of Kerchak’s son and heir to biblical masculinity, and the entrance of the new order via baby Tarzan, who resists the Kerchak’s order over the course of his maturity, is symbolic of the beginning of the end of Kerchak’s order.

Clayton, the treacherous “protector” of science and the elite quest for knowledge, as Disney portrays him, is actually another twisted portrayal of biblical manhood. He is the visionary man who leaves his home to discover the unknown places and use his discoveries to prosper himself and his family. This is biblical dominion. Disney, however, villainizes Clayton for his plan to capture and sell the gorillas and for the use of his gun.

The plan to capture and sell the gorillas can be translated into an attempt to put the lower class—the welfare class—to work, to generate a flow of money and resources for the market economy. This (hard work) would bring them into the world of the elites. The governing State (Tarzan) is the protector of the lower class, to keep them dependent upon the government instead of allowing them to work for their social elevation.

Also, keep in mind that dictatorships in history (like Hitler’s and that of the Soviet Union) de-gunned the people before they were able to run the full course of their plan. All of America’s current anti-gun talk is leading the nation towards the same result.

The Professor
Silly and an evolutionist, the Professor is a grown-up child. The only elderly character, he should have been revered for his head of silver, which has gained much wisdom over the course of its years. Disney, however, would have us dismiss the elderly as silly folk and unworthy of our respect.  

Terk is a female but I never guessed it because she sounds like a guy, she acts like a guy, and she hangs out with the guys. This is how Disney wishes to portray females today. They are actually guys in female bodies and are pushy and bossy, leaving no room for male leadership or the meek and gentle spirit that is to be woman’s.

Whereas Terk sounds like a guy, Tantor sounds like a girl, especially in his childhood. When he grows to maturity, he is a weak, fearful male, unworthy of female elephant attention (hence his friendship with non-elephants). He is commendable only for his show of masculinity at the very end, when he rescued Tarzan from the ship. The weak man is the one whom Disney portrays as the help which brings the new order to power.  

Monday, July 16, 2012

Jesus as Savior, as Distinct from Jesus as Lord

In 2001, at the age of 12, I stood in a pew, inching—and hesitating—inching again towards the front of our church, where many were on their knees, crying, repenting, and finally, I made my way up there. I repented of my sins.
Actually, my repentance occurred when I stopped the heinous, abominable sin which I had been satanically led into committing for a period of time and got rid of all of the associated articles. I don’t remember whether I asked God to forgive me on that day when suddenly my eyes were opened to what exactly I was doing. Later, I know that I begged His forgiveness for that sin specifically, but on that day I experienced metanoia, the 180-degree turn of the mind which is translated from the Greek as repentance. By God’s grace, I had been led to turn from my sin and in 2001 to embrace Jesus as my Savior.

I do not know whether I was saved at the moment I turned from my sin or at the moment I prayed for repentance, or even later. I know that around the dark time of my 16th year, I was seeking to know how you know you’ve got the Holy Spirit in you, how to know you’re saved.  God sent a sermon on the subject, and I accepted by faith that the Holy Spirit enters your heart at the moment of repentance. The Holy Spirit was not Someone I had ever felt in me, or consulted, or thought about, but now I believed that He lived in me.

I believed I was saved. Jesus was my Savior. But He was not my Lord. I was lord over my own life, making my own decisions based on what I wanted and what I thought was best. What I thought was best led me into an infatuation with Marxism, a satanic philosophy that is transforming our nation’s culture away from God’s social design. God, in His tremendous grace, led me to the Truth Project, through which the Holy Spirit convicted me of the fact that God, through His word, tells us how He wants every part of our life to be, and not just the spiritual part. The authority of Jesus is not fenced in on the spiritual side of me; He is to be Lord of my every area of my life and through me and my influence in my world, He is to be Lord over this world.

Through the Truth Project, the Holy Spirit continued the transformation of my mind. Now, I seek to live out God’s design in my life, because Jesus is Lord over my worldview, over my thoughts, over my opinions, over my actions. That means that I have no opinion of my own. Every statement I utter, every decision I make is informed and decided by God’s method and design, as revealed in His word.

That’s the goal anyway. I’m not there yet but it’s what I strive towards as I grow in my knowledge of God, His will, and His design. Jesus, may You take dominion over my life, every single area of it. Conform me to Your design. May I be worthy of Your name and Your sacrifice. 

Philippians 3:12 Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Male Oppression

The Bible, which is my ultimate authority because it is God speaking through His servants to all of mankind, says that women are to submit to their husbands. Did you know that it is pleasant to submit to a man? It is--when the man treats me as the co-heir that I am, when he treats me as his equal. 

However, there exist men who treat women as inferiors. They make degrading remarks about us. They say that women are useless or that they can't do anything right. There is a constant stream of negative remarks toward us and women in general. Then, when they need something, they use us to get their way. We become a piece of their property with which they can do as they wish. 

We women who fear God know that we are to submit to our husbands and brothers because the Lord commands it. So what can we do to correct a situation in which the man forgets the order of the hierarchy? For no authority is given except by God, and whatever authority is given to us is only because we are under the authority of someone greater. 

"But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ." 
1 Corinthians 11:3

Men who treat women as inferiors look down on us because they forget to look upwards at the authority of Jesus over them. They are rebelling against God when they mistreat those who are under their authority.

So what can a woman do if she is under the authority of such a man? For it is poison to the soul to have to endure this oppression. You really have to put to death your own flesh and cling super tightly to Jesus in these situations. The Bible tells us that even when we are being mistreated, we are still required by God to do what is right, to live up to His standard on our part, even when others are undeserving of it.
In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives, as they observe your chaste and respectful behavior.
1 Peter 3:1,2

It is painful to try to live up to God's standard. It means that we must continue to endure the emotional abuse. It feels so unjust. Their poison raises bile in the breast and burns away at our insides.

But God is really concerned about our negative emotions. They grieve the Holy Spirit. We know this because the verse that speaks of grieving the HS in us is in the context of negative emotions and actions. 

Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Ephesians 4:29-31

May God give us the strength to quench these negative emotions, to deflect the fiery darts of negativity that the enemy shoots at us (though he be our husband or brother!). May He give us strength to look to Him and have our worth in Him. Though it kill me, may I serve the Lord.


Gravity holds me to the earth and keeps order between living things and the structures of the earth. The atmosphere guards my head from the wrath of destructive rays that try to invade from space to kill our fragile flesh. The planets are strung together in circles that are spaced specifically to prevent collision. Our earth revolves so that one side of the earth is not in perpetual darkness, ensuring the death of all things on that side. The sun awakens to give nourishment to the plants and animals that will be my food in the tomorrows to come, if they will come. Plants and animals are programmed to reproduce so that we will never run out of food. Trees are created with the mechanisms needed to create oxygen, which happens to be exactly the gas we need in order to breathe. Today I have awakened to life. My heart beats and circulates blood, nutrients, oxygen. My brain is in control of my systems, which function as they should. I have a family which protects me, loves me, provides for me. I have a home. I have clothing. I have a car and a job, which gives me the means to buy necessities and to afford pleasure. My family has land on which we grow our own food. We have time in which we function and have our being. 

That is the common grace of God.

God in His generosity has given me all these things for my good. He did not have to do it.
After all that He has set up for me, I in my perversity have rejected Him, rebelled against Him, spit in His face with my sins. And now I have been caught. I am brought into the court room of holy justice.
I stand before God, the great and good, holy and exacting Judge. He is not a God who is separate from the sentence He gives, leaving it in the hands of others to enforce the sentence given; He Himself executes the verdict. 

I have sinned. God has been patient with me. He has suffered the disgust, the vulgarity, the obscenity of my ungrateful rebellion against Him--Him who has permitted me to open my eyes today, Him who has not cut me off from the land of the living in accordance with the multitude of my trespasses against Him. He has suffered, and suffered long, to see me in my whoring, in my lust for the eyes, attention, love, esteem of people who give only in their own interest. He, who has in His generosity given me free favor, who has given me this common grace of life, is holding me accountable. 

Under the weight of my conscience and the great crippling terror of punishment, I promise the Judge that I never will sin again, if He will only give me life in misery instead of death. But no, sin is like debt: even if from this moment on I could somehow, some way stop myself from falling short of the standard of perfection, I still would have to pay for the entire cost of my accumulated transgressions. Debt doesn’t just disappear; someone still has to pay for it and the wages of sin is death. I tremble violently at the thought that now justice has caught up with me and I will have to pay with my life for every dark thought and action of wrong that I have committed. No excuses are accepted. No circumstances, no environmental shortcomings can share the blame. I have to pay because it was I who chose to act below the standard in all instances. 

I fall to my knees with a sickness in my stomach that rips me apart inside. I know that death is certain and there is no way out. I cry out in fear because now I have fallen into the hands of a great and holy God who is angry with the wicked every day, a God who is a consuming fire. I have no chance.

And then I hear a voice: “I will pay her debt.”

It is the Son of God. He, blameless One, who has never known sin, who alone is worthy to be in the presence of holiness, will take the punishment for my sin. He says He will die in my stead.

No!  It isn’t fair! You don’t deserve to die. It’s my sin, I must pay for it myself.

But Jesus went to the Judge and the Judge accepted this deed. Though it pained Him beyond measure to do so, God poured out all of His wrath on His own innocent Son. The wrath that was to fall on my head, the weight of darkness that was supposed to crush me, and the separation from the One on whom my existence depends—Jesus took on Himself.

And He left for me His record of sinlessness. He has taken my entire record upon Himself and has given me a new record, a clean record—His record. Now God the Judge looks at me as He looks at His Son—as blameless. This is justification. This is the work done by Jesus on the cross and in His resurrection.
I am not justified and given a new clean record so that I can dirty it up again. I am given a clean record so that I can be accepted by God in order to now build His kingdom on earth. Because now I do not have to try to work off my sin-debt, I am free to build up wealth for my future inheritance in heaven. I even now make investments by taking dominion of every area of my life and every area in my sphere of influence. I work to bring them into conformity with God’s design.

I no longer owe Him for my debt. He has forgiven me my debt. Out of gratitude now I work to build up His cause. I am no longer my own. He owns me now.

1.       Jesus took my sin and gave me His clean record.
2.       I no longer have to work to be in good legal standing with God.
3.       Now I work to build up God’s kingdom.