Thursday, February 13, 2014

Oh the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus


 Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. John 4:13,14

I do not pretend to know how to interpret the Bible but I had a thought on this passage that convicted me.

Solomon uses the imagery of a well in Proverbs 5 to refer to an intimate relationship with one's spouse. Perhaps we can apply this symbolism to the woman at the well. 

She had five husbands. She knew about drinking from the well. Each successive man brings less satisfaction, because men cannot satisfy a latent thirst for God.

I have not had five husbands. I have not even been in an official relationship but in my heart I have drunk from the dissatisfying well of human love.

I have lusted after good-looking guys. I have made idols out of guys I liked, thinking ceaselessly of them. I have tried subtle seduction. I have often traded in the love of the Lord for the desire of the lesser love of men.

But the Lord is gracious, holding me back from lawlessness and perversion, bringing me back to His love and mercy, sanctifying me through disappointment and waiting. How deep is His love for me, to keep me for Himself until the last day.

Jesus reminded me tenderly that I cannot find satisfaction drinking from this well. Yes, He may be pleased at some point to allow me to love a man. But I can only quench my thirst for love and approval in Christ.

O Lord, may You help me love You more. May I be a spring of love welling over onto those around me. May I rest in Your love.


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