For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.
1 Corinthians 11:26
So communion, then, is the event/act/ritual that ties together [what Christ did in the past] with [what He promised for the future] in the present. Communion is the reminder of where we would be in the future--hell--if Christ hadn't died for us in the past. It reminds us of our imperfection, of how far we are from achieving holiness and therefore why we need grace.
Communion is our testimony that He will come to fulfill His promises and the words of the prophets. Since we testify to this, we are reminded of what will become of all the people who do not accept Christ's sacrifice and a sense of urgency fills our hearts.
We are not here on this earth to save just ourselves. We are not saved just to check it off on the list of things to do before we die and then to go on comfortably fulfilling whatever our desire has added to that to-do list. We are saved so that we can win as many souls as we can to be saved with us.
Communion reminds us of our mission in the war over each person's soul and helps us refocus our attention on fulfilling this mission.
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