Friday, January 3, 2014

Democracy: Power of the People

Power in America depends on your status and/or occupation. Your status and/or occupation depend on your network. Your network is shaped by people you meet along your way through your education and opportunities. The level of education you attain depends on your natural abilities and your unnatural ability to pay for it, i.e. your wealth. Your opportunities depend on your access to different groups in society, which also depends on your wealth. And what does your wealth depend on?


No child is born clutching a trust fund in their little fist, which developed in the womb with them. If a child is born wealthy, it is because the child was born to parents who have accumulated wealth through their hard work and/or the hard work of their parents before them. We acknowledge that children are not born into equal amounts of wealth and so begin their journey with different levels of advantage, attaining consequently, different levels of power within their lifetime.

So, we must help increase the advantage for those who are born into families of little wealth. I do not propose the transfer of money from a generous individual or group to a family of less wealth. They would almost certainly waste that money away, not because they are bad or greedy, or will use it for bad things, but because many of them do not know how to use that money to generate more money.

So how do you generate money?
I'm still trying to figure that one out myself.

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