Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Your Love is a Song

More than anything except my dad, I love to sing. I long to sing. My heart thirsts for singing. To sing beautifully with someone is like a sweet kiss.


I love to sing freely, without the constraint on creativity that comes with singing written music in a choir, though these pieces are in themselves highly artistic and are beneficial for improvement. I prefer to let my ear and heart and voice join together to create their own harmony. It is deeply satisfying to add my element of experience to the song rather than singing simply what another has experienced in his spirit and written for the world to sing.

I love to sing with people. There are two kinds of people with whom I love to sing: those who love to sing and those who can sing well. 

When I sing with others who love to sing, I do not feel pressured to please those who do not like to sing, which would mean not singing. 

When I sing with people who can sing well, I feel free to pursue a harmony of my own, to meander, to ebb and flow in response to what they sing, rather than dutifully singing the melody as the lead because others lack confidence or ability. When I sing with people who sing well, the synergy of spirit between us is exhilarating. It is overwhelming.

I dream that some day I will find people who love to sing like I do. I think I shall live in complete bliss forever once I find them. 


  1. Maybe you should write songs and sing those? :)

  2. Olya, I wish I could! Sadly, I am not good at writing pretty things.
